Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Playing Catch Up

For those of you who aren't on facebook or haven't heard, we are pregnant! We are 14 weeks and besides being tired everything is going well! Connor knows there is a baby in my belly and he continues to say that it is a girl, we'll find out the end of November if he is right!

We visited the Children's Museum again and Connor immediately requested we go to the bubbles! This particular bubble was a gas bubble which made for a cool photo!

We also went with Tamara, her son Brayden, who Connor now calls Bray Bray (super cute), to feed the ducks. Connor had a good time and also did that a few weeks later with my parents when we visited them in Texas.

This was just too cute of a picture not to take. Connor 'busted' while pulling all the kleenex out of the box!

Greg and I took Connor to play putt putt a few weeks ago. He actually did a really good job, but the next time we go we'll bring his mini hockey stick instead of using the smaller club, it was a little too heavy.

He really enjoyed throwing the balls more and putting the balls into the holes!

Winter is just around the corner and I wanted to make sure everything fit him, so we tried on his snow attire, pretty darn cute huh?! Connor loved the outfit so much he didn't want to take it off, we compromised on the hat and mittens along with his pjs, I should have taken a picture of that, it was quite a sight!

The first weekend of October my roommate from college, Kaelen, got married! Connor and I traveled to Texas but I left Connor with my parents while I went to the wedding in Houston. It was great to see my college friends and of course seeing the beautiful bride!

Finally, last Friday was my 31st birthday and I had a great birthday! Greg made my favorite cake and we had some friends over to celebrate!

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