Saturday, February 19, 2011

Winter Fun

We've had a mild winter thus far, but when it has snowed Greg and I have had our helper to shovel! Connor loves to shovel that is until his hands get cold.

Our friends gave us some tickets to an Avs game and we took Connor, which was fun. He has been before but this time he seemed to be more interested and liked being at the game!

Greg has taken Connor sledding several times and he absolutely loves it! He first went down the driveway and liked that, Greg even made a small bump for him to go over at the end, so much fun!

Greg and Connor also have been sledding several times with our friend Mike and his kids, Karley and Evan. It was quite sunny so the "cool dude" wore his sunglasses! There was also a bump at the hill they were at and Connor called it a "bunk," pretty cute!

Karley helping out the boys, such a good big sister! Lets hope we get more snow soon because what we had melted and every time we pass the sledding hill Connor asks to go sledding!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Connor's 2 Year Pictures

We recently had Connor's 2 year pictures taken and here are a few of our favorites!